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Friday, June 13, 2014

Do Real Men Wear Makeup?

The answer is Hell Yeah!  These super artists have not only entertained the masses with their outstanding music, but have also created mass appeal with their outlandish costumes and makeup. They added a visual niche that created armies of fans. Here are a few of our favorites:

Kiss - The leaders in this category. Their careers have spanned over 40 years and they continue to entertain. The Kiss Army is legendary.

Alice Cooper- "The Godfather of Shock Rock" his career has spanned more than 5 decades. This Detroit rocker puts on an awesome show complete with boa constrictors, fake blood, baby dolls and guillotines.

Twisted Sister- Far from the 80's Glam Bands, these New York Rockers clad in women's make up and clothing are incredible in concert and always very entertaining. More aggressive musically than a lot of their 80's counterparts, these guys stood above the rest.

That's just a taste of some of our favs. What are yours?  Until next time........

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